India is one of the hottest country. Now a days global temperatures are increasing year by year. Particularly in India temperatures are raising up to 50 degree celusis in summer and falling below 6 degree celusis in in winter. So all peoples are suffering with higher and lower temperatures and high hummidity problems. That's why they are using room air conditions, air coolers, fans and hummiditiers in summer and room electrical heaters in winter at their homes, factories, offices, theatres, hospitals, hotels, hostels, lodges, function halls, shopping malls, educational institutions etc., places. So huge power consumption is increasing day by day. Because of higher temperature problems terrace / sloap roofs of constructed buildings are getting cracks, falling of flakes and water leakage problems. To avoid this problems and reduces the electricity charges and to protect the terrace / sloap roofs. This cool cretes is one time settlement for the all problems.
The core value of Cool Create is sustainability. We are focussed on delivering green & sustainable construction Solutions that face up to challenges our world facing today.
Perennial supply of best quality products and services on time at affordable cost to the utmost satisfaction of Customers/ Clientele and Comitted to Healthy Business practices.